Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative disorders of the intervertebral discs in the neck.
Cervical spine is very mobile, due to the need of the vaults and the head nods, but also very vulnerable because of the muscle weakness of the corset. The negative impacts on your back and neck, the negative impact on the cervical spine.

Anatomically, the cervical vertebrae are close to each other, so that the probability of displacement and the destruction is significant, even without the influence of external factors. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is dangerous, not only because of its unpleasant manifestations, but also the possibility of pinching of the arteries that feed the brain.
Causes of cervical degenerative disk disease
Causes of degenerative disc disease of the neck of the uterus is found mainly in changes in the cartilage tissue due to accumulation of salts in the blood and lymph of man.
With a proper diet and regular exercise of salt in the human body is well spent. Otherwise, maybe its excessive accumulation in organs and cartilage. Therefore, the cartilage loses its mobility and flexibility, which explains the processes of displacement of the vertebrae, pinching the arteries and other degenerative changes.
In addition, there are degenerative changes in which there are osteophytes — bony growths on the cervical vertebrae, which irritate the muscles, causing them stress which further worsens the human condition.
All changes and disorders in the cervical spine is the culprit in the majority of cases, a sedentary lifestyle. Usually cervical osteochondrosis suffer from office workers who are forced to sit for eight hours a day, especially if you do not bother with regular exercise. Before any of osteochondrosis spine is a disease that is inherent in the people after 35 years, but nowadays the disease is much younger. Many young people begin to feel the first symptoms of osteoarthritis are still in school or in the first year of University, which is also due to the long sedentary position and, in addition, alterations of posture.
But it is worth noting that the people whose work involves physical labor, also can encounter degenerative disc disease of the cervical. Great load on his back, along with the uncomfortable position of the body or previous back injuries have negative effects on the neck, causing tension unnecessary. In addition, we can highlight several main reasons for the development of osteochondrosis of the neck of the uterus, that is to say:
- excess weight;
- the genetic predisposition;
- alterations in the body's metabolic processes;
- incorrect or poor nutrition;
- prolonged stress;
- flat feet;
- hypothermia;
- lifts weights during a developed muscular corset back;
- injuries of the spine or back in General.
The people who are in the prevention of osteochondrosis of steel regularly to perform a variety of physical exercises, remember that improper execution of these exercises can also give rise to problems in the neck.

The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease
The main symptom of osteochondrosis of the neck of the womb — the pain of varying severity, which can be located in different parts of the human body.
Thus, the pain may spread to the eye area, to give the teeth or the ears to be a bad diagnosis. Sometimes the pain of osteoarthritis may radiate to the shoulders, arms, shoulders and even in the lumbar region of the spine.
With cervical osteochondrosis possible to the location of the pain in the heart area that people is likely to be confused with a bad heart, but she doesn't take any medication. As you can see, the symptoms and pain of osteoarthritis of the cervical, multi-faceted, and the degree of severity for each individual case.
If due to cervical degenerative disc disease was pinched arteries that nourish the brain, then, perhaps, the appearance of symptoms such as: dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of the tongue, headaches, loss of hearing and vision, the loss of orientation in space and other symptoms associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain.
In addition, osteochondrosis of the cervical people will feel very pronounced tension in the neck, which increases when the head is inclined, in the long sitting position, and in the morning after sleep.
Diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine begins with the collection of information about the way of life of the man and his work, as well as with the analysis of the symptoms. In addition, the doctor has to be installed in the presence or absence of similar symptoms in family members to identify possible genetic predisposition.
The next step in the diagnosis is visual inspection of the back and neck in different positions, which clearly see the changes of posture and various disorders that can cause low back pain. Alternatively, a feeling of painful areas, which indicate the degree of pain and tension the muscles and vertebrae.
These methods help to suspect the presence of degenerative disc disease of the cervical, but the main role in the diagnosis assign instrumental methods of research. As well, actively using the method of radiography, which gives quite a lot of information about the state of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. If the information is not sufficient for the diagnosis, it is possible to carry out magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI gives information not only on the vertebrae, but the condition of the soft tissues.
In the case of express headaches and tension in the neck, often use duplex examination of blood vessels. It allows to assess the structure of blood vessels and the patency of blood flow through them, and identify many violations and anomalies in the development of blood vessels.
Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is in general a holistic approach that involves both medication and physical therapy.
Chemotherapy involves taking drugs that relieve pain and reduce inflammatory processes in tissues. When not very severe pain it is possible to use only local preparations in the form of ointments or gels. But in the case of bright pain, the person can be used as medicines, used oral and local medications.
In addition, osteochondrosis very often prescribe nootropics and B-vitamins that are designed to improve the blood flow in the cervical spine and help to improve the nutrition of the brain.
But the results of the medical treatment of the diseases disc disease of the neck of the womb be reduced to zero if the people do not reconsider your lifestyle. For example, if the cause of the disease in the sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, then the person that you want to include in your life regular exercise.

Very good results in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease show different physiotherapy methods, such as electrophoresis, water treatments, massage and exercises therapeutic. In addition, significant effect of the treatment is achieved through manual therapy, hirudotherapy and osteopathy.
Many diseases are easier to prevent than cure in the case of their occurrence. Osteochondrosis refers to this type of diseases. To protect yourself from it, it has to adhere to certain preventive actions.
Thus, the regular practice of physical activity and exercises significantly reduces the likelihood of development of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine and, in addition, does not allow a person to gain weight. In addition, in sedentary working people have every hour or two to do a light workout of the neck, and keep the correct posture.
In the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis result shows a good massage regular, you can work all the problem areas and to prevent the development of excess tension in the muscles.
Avoid stress, eat regularly and healthy sleep are the recommendations that reduce the probability of not only degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, but many other unpleasant diseases. Also, people should remember that it is not necessary to lift weights, especially if your physical training doesn't allow to do it without consequences.
In addition, as a preventive measure, people should once a year to visit a specialist for early detection of back problems and neck.